Welcome to Night Light, brought to you by The Victoria Park BIA!
Join us for Night Light year two, this September 26-28, 2024.

Night Light was a celebration of light, art and energy that encompasses 5 blocks within the Victoria Park community.
This event was completely free to all, and open to the public. It's important to note that Night Light aimed to re-invite Calgarians to downtown and allow them to explore Victoria Park in an exciting new way.
One of our proudest achievements with Night Light was that we successfully projection mapped the most amount of surfaces that Calgary has ever seen. Compared to cities around the globe, this may only seem like a small start, but for Calgary this is a big step in the direction of increasing cultural and artistic capital.
Now that we have shown Calgary what we are capable of, we hope to continue to make Night Light a regular event that will light up Vic Park for years to come. Stay tuned!

Calgary is the youngest, and fastest growing, city in Canada. The opportunity this presents is for long standing cultural, creative and local organizations to join up and create a platform for artists to practice and exhibit new forms of expression.
Making meaningful gestures for the public is in our DNA. Our first year demonstrated that Calgarians have an appetite for these type of events. Night Light has been our opportunity to show the rest of Canada, and the world, we are making magic right here in Calgary.

We'd love to keep you in the loop with any future events happening within the Vic Park vicinity. Follow us across social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Twitter to keep up to date on all things Night Light!
We are always looking for new artists and talent to showcase at future events. Email us at nightlight@victoriapark.org to register your interest for future Night Light fun!